Selecting Your Major

This is one of several videos in a recruiting series “Five Major Factors in
Choosing a College”

It contains valuable information on recruiting process specifically starting the process for selecting a major, for high school athletes wanting to play in college. This process works for any sports and is not limited to just athletes. College bound students should use this as well.

We hope you enjoy. Please email comments, questions to



This is first video in a recruiting series “Five Major Factors in
Choosing a College.”

As you are looking at your major, there are a couple of key things
What do you want to be when you grow up?

This is a hard question because you might be 15, 16, 17 years old . Parents, you need to be helping your kids through this process. Kids, you need to be communicating with your parents.
You need to understand that your parents are there to help you As you are going through this process, first thing you need to do is ask your parents “What do you do for a living and Do you like it? “

You are going to spend a 1/3 of your life working so you might as well enjoy it. You are in a place n your life where you can choose. Your parents might be in a place in their life where they can’t
choose anymore because they are providing food on the table for you and your brothers and sisters.

So you need to make sure as you are going through this process Ask those questions?
When you are hanging out on Friday night at your friends house, ask their parents “What do you do for a living and Do you like it? ” What do you think I would be good at?
Now you are starting to get some feedback and the process for choosing a major.

CLICK HERE to return to the other recruiting videos.

Remember this is a process.Its a marathon not a sprint. Prepare yourself for the process.

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